1-Day Creating All-Natural Herbal Soap, Shampoo & Spa Products
Have fun using good ingredients such as Herbs, Fruits, Probiotics, Clay etc.

The Arts & Science Of Making Natural Herbal Soap & Spa Products
Everyone loves the feeling of royalty after a spa. Imagine what it would be like if you can enjoy such a luxurious feeling everyday right in your own home.
To take luxurious baths with your own home-made soap scented with your favorite essential oil, made using only natural ingredients of your choice…
Unlike commercial products that could irritate sensitive skin or scalp, you know it is free of artificial additives and chemicals because you made it yourself.
Best part is, your bespoke soap is full of beneficial vitamins and glycerin (an exceptional moisturizer), leaving you feeling refreshed and your skin moist and supple. It stimulates your senses, lifts up your spirits and sets a positive tone for the rest of your day.
If you aren’t already enjoying the wonderful effects of home-made natural herbal soap and spa products, you could be having the following concerns:
I never knew I could make such things at home.
I am suffering from eczema / hair loss and I’m afraid of trying something new.
I have extremely sensitive skin, can something i make at home really be better for me?
Organic soaps are really expensive
If you have any of the above concerns, Join Us in this 1 Day Hands-On Workshop where you learn how to make the most natural Herbal Spa & Wellness products.
These are especially ideal for people with sensitive skin and scalp. It nourishes while it cleans and helps with problems like hair loss, acne and eczema.
In just 1 Day, you can have all your doubts quelled and experience the joy of healthier skin, hair and overall health for you and your entire family.

What You Will Learn
Chemicals in Today’s Skin Care Products.
The toxin in our Environment.
Spa Products & All-Natural Glycerin Soaps.
Aromatherapy : Therapeutic Uses of Essential Oils.
Using Herbs and other Natural ingredients.
How to Use Dried Herbs, Flowers & Fruits.
Preparing & Using Herbs (Harvest, Drying & Powder).
Using Carrier Oils.
Common Skin Problems and possible causes.
Herbal Face Masks Recipes.
Natural Herbal Extraction Technique.
Fermenting Soap Nuts for making Shampoo.
How to Source for good Herbal Ingredients & Bottles.
How we can package and Brand your range of products.
Establishing your own Private Labels.
How to Apply for Licenses to sell your own brand of Skin Care Products.

Workshop Objectives
This 1-Day hands-on workshop will get you started on creating Spa & Wellness products rather quickly. No prior Herbs & Wellness knowledge needed. Trainer will introduce many important all-natural raw materials such as Essential Oils, Carrier Oils, Herbs, Fruits, Salt & powders. The idea is to create wellness products without using toxic ingredients.
Trainer will provide innovative product ideas using good herbs, spices and oils that can alleviate common health issues and skin problems : relaxation, slimming, skin problems, aches, anti-aging, immunity, etc.
This workshop is ideal for people who wish to go into Organic Health & Lifestyle industries. Employees from Spas, Beauty & Massage Industries, Aromatherapy Industries, Wellness & Therapy Service, Hotels and SkinCare Product Factories & Retails will find this workshop very useful.
Anyone who has interest in working with Spa & Wellness products and services will find this workshop a very useful jumpstart. All Professionals and un-employed who wish to catch up with the forthcoming Organic Trends, may want to consider acquiring this new skill in order to expand their new career opportunities.

Hands On Activities
This is a HANDS-ON Organic Workshop which means you WILL be getting your hands dirty. Learn step-by-step first hand the actual methods used by Experienced Probiotic makers.
Project 1: Aromatic Mineral Sprays.
Project 2: Herbal Anti-Aging Serum.
Project 3: Herbal Ointment for Dry Skin.
Project 4: Detox Scrubs.
Project 5: Herbal Massage Oils.
Project 6: Herbal Yogurt Face Mask.
Project 7: Glycerin Soaps.
Project 8: All-Natural Herbal Shampoo using Soap Berries.

What Do People Say About Us?

“It was so much fun! Thank you Joanne for the valuable lesson. Now I know that our skin absorbs, I will only use natural soap.” participant at SLA
“I was really surprised when the soap turned out so beautiful! I’m going to make more when I go home.” – a participant, Punggol CC
“This is one of the most enjoyable workshop I’ve attended. The best part is when my soap is ready and I remove it from the mould. Absolutely beautiful!” – participant from NSL
“It’s so fun! I gave some of the soap I made to my friends and they too loved it.” – Participant from Kampong Glam CC
“Joanne is an engaging instructor. She keeps the class focus and her easy instruction is easy to follow!” – Theresa
“Joanne makes things very easy to remember, using current lingo” – Amanda
For Whom?
This Workshop is for the following people:
People who believes in natural remedies tailor made for themselves
People who enjoys using their creativity and hands to create something beautiful
People who wants to live a Toxic-&-Chemical-Free LifeStyle
People who want to learn how to make All-Natural Products
People who loves learning & doing
Potential Entrepreneurs
Health Conscious individuals
This Workshop is NOT for the following people:
People who still feels that ‘CHEMICAls’ on our skin and hair are okay
People who still think that our SKIN and HAIR is not that important
People who do not have an open mind zest to learning new stuff
People who don’t like using their hands
People who lack patience and creativity
People who are too busy, cannot find time to learn anything new
Details & Fees
**Please note that Venue are Subject to Changes.
19 Jan 2025, Sunday Singapore
20 Jan 2025 Sun JB (includes 1N The Ave M Hotel Stay for Buddies)
Time: 9:30am to 5pm
Workshop Venues: Mega@Woodlands #08-67 (15min walk from Admiralty MRT)
Whatapp 94887418

Fee : **S$360 per Person
*Standard Single Ticket price. Special Offers available below!
All Materials & Notes will be Provided.
See Below For Bonuses!!
Early Bird Discount
It’s true, the early bird catches the worm!
Enjoy Limited Early Birds tickets (limited signups daily or before the timer runs out)
at the special price of S$345 (u.p. S$360)
Sign up before the time runs out!
Buddy Special
Bring along a buddy or more and enjoy an additional S$25 discount OFF EACH TICKET!
Double the learning, and DOUBLE THE FUN~
Regular 2-pax Buddy Special is now
S$335/pax (u.p. S$360)
Combined with the Early Bird promo, a 2-pax Buddy Early Bird Special is only
S$310/pax (u.p. S$360)
Click on the Button below and Sign Up Now!
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