In celebration of Mothers

From 13-May till 31-May, Gardens With Purpose is having a Mother-Child promo for all our full-day workshops!

To celebrate their courage and unconditional love all Mothers have for their children, we are happy to announce a special Promo Code for
$30 off for all Mother-Child Buddy registrations!

In order to qualify, the two buddies must be of Mother-Child relationship^.

Furthermore, Singaporeans aged 25 and above can utilize their $500 SkillsFuture Credit to fully offset the cost of their own tickets for our courses approved for SkillsFuture Credit.

To enjoy this promo, submit the following code using the Promotion Code field when selecting the Payment Method during the checkout process:


Click here to check out our upcoming workshops!


^ Note: Gardens With Purpose Management reserves the right to cancel and refund registrations found to be ineligible for the promotion.